Energy Oil & Gas Magazine EOG 214 | Page 21

___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Mining
valid technical and process information , digitalization retains knowledge and eliminates information silos . For example , miners can use AR to support maintenance by superimposing real-time data on reallife equipment . This connects to another vital benefit of digital transformation ; the impact on health and safety .
In mining , worker safety remains a priority above all else . By adopting remote operations the risk to large categories of employees can be drastically reduced . Avoidable work-related injuries are unacceptable , even more so when digitalization can remove so many risks . Mines will require new technological approaches to ensure regulations are met in people-centric , cost-effective ways .
Today ’ s emerging talent is clear that they want work that is environmentally and socially responsible
The sustainability imperative
Today ’ s emerging talent is clear that they want work that is environmentally and socially responsible . Seventy percent of millennials say they want to work in a company with solid sustainability strategies and nearly half ( 47 percent ) want to make a positive impact on society . Attracting millennials - and the generations to come - into the mining industry will not only take digital innovation that improves working conditions but also delivers on key sustainability goals . Research suggests that ‘ by 2023 , eightin-ten mining organizations will use sustainability KPIs as part of their primary operational control parameters to help achieve their organizational environment , social , and governance targets .’
The encompassing objectives of talent attraction and retention , employee safety and overarching sustainability can only be met through innovative digitization . Great strides are already being made , but the pace must quicken if the industry is to engage , recruit and retain the workforce it needs to remain competitive , compliant and innovative in a quickly changing world . ■
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Rob Moffitt is President , Mining , Minerals & Metals at Schneider Electric . Schneider ’ s purpose is to empower all to make the most of energy and resources , bridging progress and sustainability for all .
It drives digital transformation by integrating worldleading process and energy technologies , end-point to cloud connecting products , controls , software and services , across the entire lifecycle , enabling integrated company management , for homes , buildings , data centers , infrastructure and industries .
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