Energy Oil & Gas Magazine EOG 214 | Page 32




How Nature Energy is pioneering a sustainable future by turning waste into value

While its name and operations were different back in 1979 , Danish organization , Nature Energy , boasts a rich history in the energy sector . Originally known as Naturgas Fyn , the organization arose as a result of collaboration between various municipalities in Funen County to become the first company to supply local households with gas .

During the 1970s , Denmark was hit
A market leader , Nature Energy turns tons of biomass into green , carbon neutral gas
by two international oil crises . It was for this reason , among others , that the Danish Parliament adopted an act that would introduce natural gas into Denmark in 1979 . In the wake of that decision , Naturgas Fyn emerged as one of five regional gas companies , and in 1981 , began to build the Funen gas network .