Energy Oil & Gas Magazine EOG 214 | Page 8




Craig Golinowski discusses meeting global energy needs while reducing carbon emissions

Carbon Infrastructure Partners is a private equity firm targeting riskadjusted returns across the carbon life cycle , from hydrocarbonbased energy production through to carbon capture utilization and storage ( CCUS ). “ When I finished business school , joined JOG Capital , which , at the time , was a relatively small , boutique private equity firm ,” begins Craig Golinowski , President & Managing Partner of Carbon Infrastructure Partners . “ I joined as Partner , and we subsequently grew the business , managing over one billion Canadian dollars of capital in hydrocarbon-based energy resources . We were involved in many of the early , horizontal drilling start-ups in Western Canada , and had considerable success with that .

“ Our energy strategy at Carbon Infrastructure Partners is a continuation of what we have successfully done at JOG Capital for over 14 years . I have been in private equity management for 16-to-17 years now , and have seen the changes