Energy Oil & Gas Magazine EOG 214 | Page 89

___________________________________________________________________________________ Frontline
and reincorporating the trees into the soil . It covers part of the cost , but it ’ s not sustainable because it ’ s so expensive and wastes all of the energy in the biomass . Furthermore , it doesn ’ t kill any pathogens that might be present in the wood . Rather , it promotes mushroom growth in the orchards , and it would seem that the rotting wood has a significant methane emission profile as well . We ’ ve talked to the farmers and they agree it ’ s much better to remove the material . Our process recovers the energy there and produces biochar , which provides a way to return all the nutrients and real fixed carbon back to the soil instead of the potentially diseased wood .”

Growth Equity for Infrastructure

Cresta provides growth equity for sustainable and conventional energy , industrial , transportation and agricultural infrastructure . We leverage our strong and deep operational background to help middlemarket development companies , management teams and strategic and financial parties to develop best-in-class infrastructure for industry operators .
Flexible processes
What separates SJR from other projects is that the biochar produced represents permanently sequestered carbon that was recently atmospheric CO 2
. “ Each leaf on the tree is a tiny solar panel and CO 2 absorber . Photosynthesis in the leaf converts the
Cresta has been a project development partner with San Joaquin Renewables since October 2021 .
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The information contained herein is provided for informational purposes only and is not an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy a security .
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