Energy Oil & Gas Magazine EOG 214 | Page 91

___________________________________________________________________________________ Frontline
Carbon-neutral future
In five years ’ time , TJ expects to see SJR up and running , which will pave the way for many more projects just like it . “ One common misconception that I also used to hold , is that the biomass resource is small , and that there isn ’ t enough biomass to produce our energy requirement . The fact is that the biomass resource is not small . A few years ago , the DOE reported we could produce one billion tons per year of biomass in the US ,” TJ says . Tech like Frontline ’ s could convert this waste into something akin to 80 billion gasolinegallon-equivalents of natural gas , which equates to half of the gasoline consumption in the US . This level of capability would help solidify the path to a carbon-neutral future , and encourage other operations in the energy industry to follow suit . ■
www . frontlinebioenergy . com
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