Providing more detail , Gene continues : “ The molecules do two things ; firstly , they propel the aircraft to ensure it safely flies from point A to point B , but secondly , they do so with a drastically reduced carbon intensity . To make the economics work , we ’ d have to be paid for the decarbonization , not just the propulsion .
“ Decoupling the molecule , or the physical fuel , itself , from its decarbonization work is potentially the most important thing we ’ ve ever done as a company , as it enabled us to sell the decarbonization work of SAF anywhere in the world , regardless of where the propulsion work is done .
“ We ’ ve always moved a step or two ahead of markets that haven ’ t quite taken shape yet , and we ’ re passionate about finding new ways to drive value into such markets . That brings us to the other important piece of this : a trusted system to ensure the integrity of the process . We started working with non-profit organizations and our existing customer base to create a traceable , high-integrity ecosystem to track the decarbonization attributes so