Energy, Oil & Gas Magazine EOG 218 - Jan 2024 | Page 44

Honeywell UOP ________________________________________________________________________________________________
Diversifying feedstocks and production methods is critical to meet the large and growing needs of the world ’ s aviation market . “ The diesel made from renewable sources that comes from Ecofining can be added directly into the diesel pool ,” Kevin notes . “ It doesn ’ t need to be upgraded nor do engines need to be modified , which is equally true of the sustainable aviation fuel produced with our Ethanol to Jet and eFining™ technology . This is drop-in replacement fuel that is ready to be deployed today . They offer a feasible and economic way to make significant progress in reducing carbon emissions .
“ World Energy is a great customer of ours and a shining example of a successful partnership ,” he says . “ We licensed our Ecofining™ technology to World Energy back in 2013 and they converted a refinery in Paramount , CA , to produce sustainable aviation fuel from renewable feedstocks . They started operating one of the first commercial plants to produce sustainable aviation fuel and have been supplying it in the Los Angeles area since 2016 . They ’ ve recently announced further expansion and have had considerable success with our technology .”
A critical partnership for Honeywell UOP is with Eni , a global technologydriven energy company based in Italy that ’ s actively supporting a socially fair energy transition by creating long-term value . The company has collaborated with Honeywell UOP on its technology for two decades .
“ Eni is a great partner of ours ,” Kevin says . “ They not only develop the technology , they ’ re also a very successful operator . In the Ecofining™ space , Diamond Green Diesel is probably the highest profile licensee of ours . They ’ ve licensed three plants on a very large scale and recently announced plans to produce sustainable aviation fuel .
“ We ’ ve also signed licenses with major companies like BP , Total Energies , and Tüpraş . When we sign a license arrangement with a customer , that ’ s the start of our collaboration with them . While major energy companies will develop their own technology , they may not require a license from us . However , we connect with companies across the spectrum to ensure Honeywell UOP remains at the leading edge of R & D and technical development .”
Looking to the future
Kevin notes Honeywell ’ s goal is to achieve carbon neutral operations by 2035 . “ We ’ re facilitating that with all the work we do to support our customers . We develop and launch the technologies that enable the attainment of sustainability goals . We ’ ve got other technologies in our sustainable solutions business that will drive decarbonization . From carbon capture and sequestration to green and blue hydrogen , there are several technologies that reduce emissions . Plastic circularities / recycling is another area of focus to improve the planet , along with long duration energy storage that will enable renewable electric power sources to be deployed on a world scale .
“ Those are some of the key areas that we ’ re working on ,” Kevin adds . “ We ’ re trying to realize the carbon neutrality vision , not just within our company , but in industry and society in general . We are always looking at new things ; at what we can do beyond what we ’ re doing today and there are many other ideas that are coming through our pipeline . Our criteria are that the technology must be scalable , economically feasible , and impactful to helping customers achieve their sustainability goals .” ■
uop . honeywell . com