Energy, Oil & Gas Magazine Issue 219 March 2024 | Page 16


Trends to come

The evolution of Britain ’ s energy industry
By Andy Normand

In recent years , the energy market has been characterized by uncertainty and volatility . This is due to a range of factors , including increased frequency of extreme weather patterns , and wars in Ukraine and the Middle East that have pushed up the cost of wholesale gas prices and called into question security of supplies .

However , there have also been long-term trends which look likely to continue well into 2024 and beyond . The most obvious one is the continued dominance of renewable energy . With ambitious targets outlined in the government ’ s Clean Growth Strategy , the UK is taking steps to achieve its goal of reaching net-zero carbon emissions by 2050 .
Renewable output in Britain hit 129.0TWh last year , accounting for almost one half ( 46 percent ) of Britain ’ s total annual power mix , according to energy data analyst EnAppSys . The record was driven mainly by a rise in wind generation , which totaled 79.2TWh and accounted for 61 percent of overall renewable output .