Energy, Oil & Gas Magazine Issue 219 March 2024 | Page 27

________________________________________________________________________________________ Artificial intelligence
Workforce adaptation
Ensuring buy-in from the workforce will be a primary task for any HR department , as the adoption of AI may necessitate upskilling or reskilling of the existing workforce , requiring a proactive strategy to effectively overcome resistance , and bridge skill gaps .
Organizations must prioritize and invest in comprehensive training programs to ensure that employees can navigate the evolving technological landscape . Additionally , fostering a culture that encourages continuous learning and adaptation is crucial in cultivating a workforce that is resilient to the dynamic changes brought about by AI implementation .
As the Great Crew Change unfolds – which refers to the oncoming waves of older workers in the field reaching retirement when the next generation is expected to be ready to step into their shoes – organizations may face a dual task of not only addressing the technological shift introduced by AI , but also managing the transfer of knowledge and skills from outgoing , experienced workers to the incoming , younger workforce .
The retirement of seasoned professionals can exacerbate skill gaps and create a more pressing need for effective upskilling and reskilling initiatives .
Security and compliance challenges
The adoption of AI is not without its challenges . High initial costs associated with acquiring advanced equipment , developing custom solutions , and getting employee buy-in present barriers to adoption . Moreover , the industry ’ s complex and diverse data landscape poses challenges for effective AI implementation . Security concerns , especially in a critical infrastructure setting , require robust measures to protect against cyber threats and data breaches .
Regulatory compliance is a challenge that cannot be overlooked . Oil and gas companies are subject to stringent regulations and must ensure that the use of AI complies with industry standards , safety regulations , and environmental requirements .
Despite these challenges , however , the industry remains committed to investing in AI technologies . Overcoming these hurdles will require collaboration between industry stakeholders , technology developers , and regulatory bodies to ensure responsible and effective AI implementation .
Taking advantage of the latest market intelligence
The companies best placed to deal with the challenges and maximize the opportunities in these markets are those who are well prepared and take advantage of tactical industry intelligence , updated in real-time by industry experts , that provides the latest information from across the globe .
High-performing companies recognize their executives , sales , marketing , and service staff can be more effective when armed with up-to-date information about the challenges their clients face . Cambashi Industry Oil and Gas Insights provides tactical industry intelligence from across the globe , updated in real-time by industry experts , including :
• latest trends and challenges , business drivers , products and services , and technology
• business strategies and initiatives
• key players and consumer perspectives
• industry terminology and metrics
• deeper knowledge across a variety of industry subjects . ■ https :// cambashi . com / oil-gas-industryinsights-and-market-research /
Joe Brooker www . cambashi . com
Joe Brooker is a Senior Analyst at Cambashi , a market research , industry analysis and consulting firm that operates globally from its headquarters in Cambridge , UK . Its independent research and analysis deliver compelling insights on the use of IT to address business issues in manufacturing , process , distribution , energy , utilities and construction industries .
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