Energy, Oil & Gas Magazine Issue 219 March 2024 | Page 32

N + P Group ________________________________________________________________________________________________________


+ P Group ( N + P ) is one of the most innovative and pioneering companies in production of waste derived alternative fuels , waste sorting and trading . With over 30 years of experience working on projects around the world , N + P is on a mission to decarbonize global industries and reduce the challenge of non-recyclable waste by turning waste into valuable new resources . Although the business is partly family owned and operated , it operates on a global scale , with offices throughout Europe and several production locations in England and the Netherlands . Its purpose is to ensure that non-recyclable waste is converted into alternative fuels and raw materials , which reduces carbon emissions and reliance on fossil fuels . In the future this material can be utilized as feedstock for waste to chemical processes . The waste is also prevented from going to landfill where it would disappear from the cycle , and instead given a new valuable contribution .
As a pioneer in the commercial production of waste derived fuels and raw materials , N + P is responsible for the production and trading of several alternatives like Solid Recovered Fuel ( SRF ) and Refuse Derived Fuel ( RDF ). It also created Subcoal ® , a unique fuel source in pellet form , that is increasingly seen as the ideal feedstock for gasification processes to produce syngas which can be further treated to various chemicals and products like Sustainable Aviation Fuel ( SAF ).
Productive partnership
The company was founded in 1992 in the Netherlands by Karel and Karin Jennissen , and the pair quickly built positive working relationships in the Netherlands , Germany , and France . In 2009 , the founder ’ s sons , Lars and Stijn Jennissen , joined the business with a fresh mindset to take the company to new heights . In 2016 their youngest brother Jens also joined the business . “ Although Stijn and I started in the business together , we ’ re fortunate that we ’ ve naturally grown to manage different