Energy, Oil & Gas Magazine Issue 219 March 2024 | Page 38

N + P Group ________________________________________________________________________________________________________
“ That ’ s where my contribution takes center stage ; speaking with customers to educate them on harvesting the true potential of waste , getting an in-depth understanding of their needs , and then transferring that into the feedstock they need .
“ We rely on our suppliers and partners across the business to ensure our operations run successfully . However , as such an innovative business with a relatively new concept , it can be difficult to find high-end suppliers who , like us , think outside the box . We ’ re lucky to have a great supplier network
to help us optimize our processes and drive innovation across the industry .”
Sustainable alternatives
While Lars and Stijn remain humble about N + P ’ s success , it ’ s clear that they are following in their father ’ s footsteps in terms of their passion , work ethic , and determination to succeed .
“ We ’ re fortunate to have acquired our position within a field that nobody even knew existed ,” Stijn reflects . “ If you look at the industry at large , many solutions have been designed around dealing with waste , whereas we look at things the other way around . Instead , we examine existing production processes and find ways to utilize waste as an alternative to be added directly within such processes .
“ As part of our work to replace certain fossil based fuels , we recognize that to be successful , our alternatives must have at least the same qualities . For the giants in the oil and gas industry that require a high yield of product , this often requires a more dedicated feedstock . That ’ s where we come into play , as we can mechanically process waste in such a way that it ’ s valuable for these companies to use .”
As our conversation draws to a close , Lars and Stijn explain their ambitious goals for the business moving forward , and how

Individual electrical engineering for industry & commerce

Our main focus is planning , developing and implementing customised solutions for commercial and industrial companies nationally and internationally .
• Planning of electrical systems
• Plants for commercial waste and recycling & plastics processing
• Compost plants
• Geothermal energy plants
• Lighting of industrial halls
• Creation of circuit diagrams with EPLAN
• Building of control cabinets
• Software engineering
• Creation of visualisation systems
• Database systems
• Commissioning / start-up
• After-sales service
Tel : + 49 5141 / 889049-0 Email : info @ westphal-elektrik . de Web : www . westphal-elektrik . de