Energy, Oil & Gas Magazine Issue 220 May 2024 | Page 21

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Q & A
Finally , we strive to instill a sense of ownership in every employee . We view our work not merely as a job , but as a mission to contribute positively to the world while also building a profitable business for our shareholders .
9 : If there was one critical message , you ’ d like a reader to take from this piece , what would it be ? In contrast to typical hydrocarbon downstream businesses that primarily produce fuels for consumption , our focus lies in providing finished lubricant producers with a sustainable avenue to markedly reduce their carbon footprint while simultaneously improving product quality . Our solutions are designed to be environmentally friendly and economically viable , operating independently of governmental subsidies .
10 : Are there any other areas that you consider important for the sector ? Governments can play a crucial role by implementing regulations that prohibit the burning of used motor oil ( UMO ), mandating the utilization of cleaner fuel alternatives . This approach preserves UMO as a vital component in a near-perfect recycling system . Conversely , the adoption of bioderived lubricants , though motivated by noble intentions , can significantly impede the recyclability of UMO . Vegetable oils , being triglycerides rather than hydrocarbons , have the propensity to disrupt the recycling process by causing fouling in re-refineries above a critical concentration . ■
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