Energy, Oil & Gas Magazine Issue 220 May 2024 | Page 23


The clean energy movement is continuing to build momentum , encouraging business owners , logistics managers , homeowners , construction crews and farmers to search for scalable , clean energy sources that won ’ t break the bank . As more companies adopt sustainable practices and look to reduce their carbon footprint , it ’ s important to consider the energy sources being used to power equipment every day .

Popular for its versatility and reliable power , propane has been essential to a variety of industries for more than half a century because it ’ s clean , readily available , and high performing . Also known as liquefied petroleum gas ( LPG ), propane is a nontoxic energy source that can be used on its own , in innovative blends , or alongside other energy sources such as wind and solar .
Propane ’ s footprint
Propane has been a mainstay in material handling , construction and agriculture industries for decades , safely powering a wide range of applications such as forklifts , generators , vehicles , and more .
Internal combustion engine ( ICE ) vehicles powered by propane maintain consistent power output , comparable to diesel variations , while reducing harmful emissions . For example , in recent real-world studies , propane-powered port tractors are proven to be up to 99 percent cleaner than existing diesel variations . Additionally , today ’ s propane autogas engines are 90 percent cleaner than EPA standards and reduce nitrogen oxide ( NOx ) emissions by 96 percent compared to the best-in-class clean diesel engines .
Propane is also ideal because it has a scalable , yet compact refueling and storage footprint with minimal infrastructure upgrades needed . With customizable contracts available in most areas , users can work with their local propane supplier to coordinate refueling schedules .
From propane cylinder storage racks for forklifts and mowers to on-site and mobile refueling options , propane is meeting a wide range of energy needs without costly infrastructure . Not only does propane make the refueling process simpler , it ’ s easier to achieve environmental regulations with new innovations in propane technology such as renewable propane .
Advancements in technology : renewable propane
Renewable propane offers the same benefits as conventional propane - reliability , portability , and power - but with the added benefit of reduced emissions compared with other energy sources .
Renewable propane is made from a variety of renewable feedstocks , including camelina plant oil , vegetable oil , animal fats , used cooking oil , soybean oil and animal tallow . At the point of combustion , renewable propane ’ s carbon intensity - the carbon emitted for every unit of energy it produces - is four times lower than conventional propane and five times lower than diesel , according to research by the Propane Education & Research Council .
There are more than 4.5 million gallons of renewable propane
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