___________________________________________________ Northwest Advanced Bio-Fuels , LLC ( NWABF )
and to enable the youth to have jobs and apprenticeships , so they can pursue long-term careers . Native Americans have served in our military branches at a rate of 5X that of other races per capita . Tribal lands and investments will eventually play a big role in our further developments , and we continue to meet with Tribal Councils to establish relationships , find potential sites , negotiate feedstock agreements and investments . Many Tribes have successful business acumen and are genuinely interested in investing in our projects . We can do a lot of good for local communities and employ thousands of people , directly and indirectly , at the same time as improving the environment where airlines fly .”
As the momentum behind the NWABF project continues to build , the board continues to grow in strength . Recently , NWABF issued an invitation to the top environmental lawyer in the PNW to join the Board of Advisors that will include two of the top engineering CEO / Presidents of the O & G industry . An industry stalwart considered to be an authority , particularly on feedstocks , is joining the company as a Consultant . The new additions continue to add strength and validation to this project , which stands as the largest project in America using wood to make SAF . “ I think the quality and importance of our project is reflected by the multibillion-dollar companies that have stayed by our side while we work to get it underway ,” says Dave . “ Everybody associated with us knows the size and significance of our project and the industry is watching us .” Alongside the rest of the industry , Energy , Oil & Gas is excited to hear the next announcements from NWABF and looks forward to keeping readers updated as the project moves forward . ■
▼ One-year old Dave Smoot in Sasakwa , OK , taken at his tribe ’ s Creek Indian Settlement . Having left OK in 1955 and moved to an orphanage in 1956 , his history has shaped and motivated his career success and dedication to Tribal betterment www . nwabiofuels . com energy-oil-gas . com 35