Energy, Oil & Gas Magazine Issue 223 Nov 2024 | Page 44

Malin Group ______________________________________________________________________________________________________

Having been a mainstay of the UK marine industry for over a century , Malin Abram personifies professionalism and practical expertise . The company is known for its ability to provide unparalleled client support , building creatively on its long-held values and heritage . As James Bowie , Managing Director of Malin Abram , begins : “ Malin Abram , part of Malin Group , can trace its roots back to 1899 , with the founding of Henry Abram & Sons by Henry Abram . Back then it had another name - the Steamship Strathleven Co . Ltd . This was reflective of the fact that we owned ships and was a reference to our flagship vessel The Strathleven .

“ The company owned several vessels throughout the early years , before diversifying into ship delivery following WWII . At this time , half of the world ’ s vessels were designed and built in the UK . Henry Abram Ltd managed the delivery of ships from the UK to emerging countries all over the world , with the successful delivery of over 300 vessels between 1928 and 1964 . As the company then moved into the 1970s , ship delivery requirements reduced as the demand for UK built ships dwindled . This resulted in a move away from ship delivery and into heavy lift transport services , which they continue to deliver today . As you can see , across the last 125 years , the company has grown , developed and responded to client requirements , a commitment we still uphold , with a continual desire to innovate and develop industry practices .
“ Malin Abram offers a range of heavy lift and transportation services , from initial feasibility and FEED studies to FEA and stability analysis , seafastening design , third-