_______________________________________________________________________________________________ Dolphin
Drilling for assets that will smoothly integrate with , and support the capabilities of , our existing fleet . We have to be strategic about the investments that we make .
“ From a technology perspective , we have recently invested in our communications system . We spent a lot of time and money adapting our processes to the very latest offshore communications technology . We have , for a long time , wanted to move away from traditional VSAT communications , and now we have much greater connectivity between our assets , which means a more cohesive and effective rig service . Faster , more reliable communications are essential for real-time drilling operations , so it was definitely the right move on our part .”
Armed with all the tools they need to thrive , the team behind Dolphin Drilling can look confidently into the future . “ In the long term I ’ d like to see Dolphin expand its portfolio with more assets . I ’ m confident the company will continue to expand and remain a top competitor in the industry . Ultimately , people are our most important asset , and we ’ re keen to bring new talent into the business whenever possible . I ’ d like to see the Dolphin team grow , alongside our fleet and presence within the market ,” Michael concludes . ■
www . dolphindrilling . com
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