Riverside Energy Group _____________________________________________________________________________________
a wholly owned subsidiary , Riverside Carbon Solutions , LLC ,” Jim shares . “ A byproduct of the microbial generation of methane is carbon dioxide that must be stripped from the gas before it is sold . Riverside owns and operates three of the five CO 2 treating plants in Northern Michigan and has access to all of the CO 2 produced from wells it operates .” “ We have a vision of creating a ‘ carbon free ’ zone in Northern Michigan and playing a leading role to spur low-carbon industrial development in this region ,” Rob adds . “ We are confident that our new facilities will be working to capture and geologically sequester up to 500,000 tons per annum CO₂ from the Antrim Shale well before the end of 2025 . In turn , this will lay the foundation for Riverside to serve as partner to many of the other industrial and utility CO 2 emitters in Michigan to assist in the transportation and geologic storage of their CO 2
Problem-solving approach
“ By consolidating and streamlining numerous adjacent asset packages , Riverside has breathed new life into the Antrim Shale and successfully pursues its starting mission of nurturing these valuable natural resource assets while having a positive impact in Northern Michigan through creating a brilliant workplace environment for our staff , caring for the properties of our community landowners and doing good wherever we possibly can .”
This constant stream of innovation and development is a clear definer of Riverside ’ s position as an industry leader . One way that the company is able to stay ahead of the curve is by means of its problem-solving approach and hunger to discern large-scale trends . “ The challenge of reducing carbon emissions has been looming ever larger ; as has the need to provide sustainable and cleaner energy ,” Jim explains . “ These two