for navigating challenges and emerging from issues as a stronger company .”
Indeed , relationships with trusted partners , such as IFD Technologies , are essential to delivering practical solutions for the distribution system of today , and for tomorrow .
ERMCO ’ s motto , ‘ Transforming Lives , Powering Futures ,’ encompasses two essential dimensions of the company ’ s mission , demonstrating its commitment to delivering high-quality , reliable distribution transformers that enhance daily life and promote sustainable development . ‘ Transforming Lives ’ signifies ERMCO ’ s pivotal role in improving access to electricity , which enables homes and businesses worldwide to thrive . ‘ Powering Futures ’ emphasizes the long-term benefits of its products in fostering innovation and growth , ensuring that communities are well-prepared for future challenges .
H-J Family of Companies is a global leader in the manufacturing and supply of products and solutions to the heavy electrical industry . These components support the transformer , switchgear , regulator , recloser and breaker industries , along with specialities in the utility market .
Industries we serve :
• OEM ’ s ( Transformers ) • OEM ’ s ( Switchgear )
• Utilities • EPC Firms
• Forgings & Castings
• Energy Industry
Contact us today : 636.677.3421 info @ h-j . com www @ h-j . com