Energy, Oil & Gas Magazine Issue 224 Jan 2025 | Page 11

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Interview management ( CALM ) services . Building cyber protection in from the start optimizes performance , safeguards investments , boosts stakeholder confidence and drives operational safety . Proactive cybersecurity isn ’ t just smart ; it ’ s essential for maintaining critical infrastructure ’ s safety , maximizing efficiencies and staying ahead of potential risks . Resilience is built through collaboration and supporting organizations to be better prepared for the cyber challenges they are facing now and in the future .
“ The renewable energy sector , for example ,” Bramson continues , “ is experiencing an influx of new technology like any other critical infrastructure . It tends to be spread out geographically , which requires remote connectivity from a management perspective and considerable investment . If renewable energy is important to us , it ’ s also going to be important to the bad guys , thereby posing an inevitable security risk .
“ Of course , while there will always be an element of risk associated with insider activity , generally , it ’ s accidental rather than malicious ,” he added . “ User awareness has improved dramatically , but there will always be emerging threats to existing knowledge . When you consider critical infrastructure and the engineering mindset of predictability and repeatability , the cyber realm is naturally at odds with that ; a disparity that is further compounded by the operational volatility of consistent threat from active adversaries . “ Rather than speculating about the next big threat , I tend to go back to basics and encourage clients to understand their strengths and weaknesses , to be aware of what needs protection and where vulnerabilities lie , as well as to reinforce the importance of training for awareness and prevention ,” Bramson elaborates . Cybersecurity is as much a safety issue as any other for this sector . It may not always have been considered so , but it is becoming increasingly apparent .”
Indeed , as a leader in the global engineering , procurement , construction ( EPC ) and consulting industry , Black & Veatch is revolutionizing industrial cybersecurity by advancing it to the forefront of new construction or major modernization projects . The company ’ s holistic portfolio of services enables organizations to plan and design cyber protection during the engineering phase , ensuring that it ’ s strategically built into the new infrastructure .
Business imperative
This unique proposition is based on the premise that built-in cyber protection is significantly more effective than when bolted on later . This approach bridges the gap that organizations in critical infrastructure typically face by making cybersecurity an integral part of the complete EPC process . In this manner , organizations are elevating cybersecurity to its proper role of protecting critical infrastructure .
“ With legacy assets and processes ,” Bramson continues , “ it ’ s not always straightforward , but the fact of the matter is that the sector is only becoming increasingly more connected , and therefore , will continue to demand greater cyber resilience . When systems in critical infrastructure don ’ t perform as expected , the outcomes can be catastrophic .”
To Bramson , ‘ cybersecurity is intrinsic to operational resilience and should be at the frontline of the sector .’
“ It ’ s a dynamic and exciting sector and one of the reasons why I decided to join Black & Veatch ,” he said . “ In today ’ s cybersecurity landscape , our clients have recognized that protecting their operations and their customers ’ data and information from cyberattacks is no longer an option - it ’ s a business imperative and one in which I ’ m proud to play a part .” ■
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