Storage continue to do so in the year ahead . New BESS projects due online in 2025 and the next few years will be able capitalize on much cheaper batteries .
However , older assets will face challenges as they compete with newer , cheaper systems that can offer more competitive bids and prices . But this benefits the energy system overall , as ancillary service costs continue to fall .
New revenue opportunity plays to the strengths of BESS
In 2025 , grid batteries will be able to earn revenues in the Quick Reserve service , one of a suite of services being introduced by NESO to enhance response services and to progress the goal of operating the electricity network with zero carbon .
Quick Reserve is designed for frequency management when there is an imbalance between the demand for energy versus available supply . It will react to prefault disturbances to restore the energy imbalance quickly and return the frequency close to 50Hz .
This service highlights the unique strengths of BESS in providing rapid , zerocarbon grid support . Phase one of Quick Reserve is expected to deliver annual consumer savings of £ 29m- £ 32m while continuing to decarbonize the power system .
A pivotal year ahead for BESS
2025 must be a turning point for BESS . These systems have proven their value in maintaining grid stability and keeping the lights on , such as during interconnector failures with Norway and France in 2022 and 2024 .
BESS in the right location can deliver multiple benefits , from maintaining supply and demand to reducing curtailment of wind and deferring or reducing network investments . In 2025 , policymakers , NESO , and Ofgem need to prioritize storage as an essential piece of the UK ’ s wider clean energy strategy . ■
Giles Hanglin www . apatura . energy
Giles Hanglin is CEO of UK renewable energy storage specialists Apatura . Apatura specializes in the development , construction , and future operation of Battery Energy Storage Systems ( BESS ), renewable energy projects , and energy infrastructure that power clean energy solutions and enable essential data center services . By creating the connections and capacity needed to support the renewable transition and the digital economy , Apatura is shaping a future powered by clean , renewable energy - one that fosters both prosperity and sustainability .
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