That understanding is essential for combating global heating , a hugely complex issue that hinges on a delicate interplay between a number of different factors . The technology needed to gather the data required to build that understanding is more accessible and accurate than ever – but the oil and gas industry must commit to engaging with it .
A complex global problem
Thankfully , awareness of the threat that fugitive emissions pose and the importance of monitoring them appears to be growing . Carbon dioxide is a well-known GHG that is well-established in sustainability discourse , with terms like ‘ carbon footprint ’ being widely understood by people across the globe .
Significant commitments are also being made to act on methane by the energy sector and governments alike , as awareness grows of its highly potent global warming potential . Methane traps up to 80 times more heat than carbon dioxide once it is first emitted into the atmosphere , but it also degrades much more quickly . This means that , while it is currently responsible for more than 25 percent of the global warming we experience today , cutting it could have a rapid and significant impact on climate change .
However , this is easier said than done . The accidental nature of most gas leaks , and the fact that most gases are colorless and odorless , renders many almost impossible to detect without a genuine , dedicated attempt to do so - plus bespoke monitoring equipment .
In the oil and gas industry , this difficulty is compounded by the vast scale and complexity of industry operations . The midstream sees gas and oil products transported through pipelines that stretch across hundreds of miles of land , underground , and beneath the sea . Faults in these pipes can emit vast quantities of gas indefinitely , undermining global efforts to cut emissions .
Solutions are within reach
The solution to this global problem requires wide-ranging monitoring operations . This may mean making use of the latest satellite