Energy, Oil & Gas Magazine Issue 224 Jan 2025 | Page 28

Atmos Energy Corporation ________________________________________________________________________________

Atmos Energy Corporation , a natural gas-only distributor , is an S & P 500 company headquartered in Dallas , with more than 3.3 million customers across eight states located primarily in the South . In Mississippi , under the leadership of Mississippi Division President Mathew Davidson , Atmos Energy delivers natural gas to approximately 274,000 customers in 110 communities .

“ With over 79,000 miles of distribution and transmission pipelines , our company has regulated utility operations in Colorado , Kansas , Kentucky , Louisiana , Mississippi , Tennessee , Texas , and Virginia ,” shares Mathew . “ We safely provide reliable , efficient and abundant natural gas to residential , commercial , and industrial customers . To foster a positive customer experience , we encourage feedback through surveys and promote natural gas safety . We also own and operate 17 underground gas storage facilities , totaling over 66 billion cubic feet in working capacity in Kansas , Kentucky , Mississippi , and Texas . Atmos Pipeline- Texas , with approximately 5,700 miles of transmission pipelines across the state , manages approximately 80 percent of this working storage capacity . It provides transportation and storage services to local distribution companies behind its intrastate pipeline system .”
History of expansion
Atmos Energy ’ s history dates to 1906 in the Panhandle of Texas . Over the years , through various business combinations and mergers , the company became known as Pioneer Corporation , a large diversified West Texas energy company . In 1983 , Energas , the natural gas distribution division of Pioneer , was spun off and became an independent , publicly