Energy, Oil & Gas Magazine Issue 224 Jan 2025 | Page 3

Issue 224 - 2025
CCS What is needed to deploy more carbon capture and storage projects
Why Atmos Energy is committed to making a difference to Mississippi communities
Main Interview Protecting operations from cyberattacks is now a business imperative
Leak detection Fighting fugitive gas emissions requires engaging with data and technology
Editorial Sidebars
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Hello and welcome to the latest issue of Energy , Oil & Gas . This month our expert authors take a look at a variety of subjects , from CCS to storage and leak detection . All these areas have

significant links to emissions reduction and increasing sustainability - topics that have been at the forefront of the agenda across the sector . With recent actions by the US Administration looking to change green strategies , I am keen to hear how you feel about the energy transition today .
Meanwhile , our main interviewee delves into the realms of operational technology and cyber security . Cyberattacks on industrial operations are raising the stakes and reshaping how companies are managing risk . Proactive cybersecurity isn ’ t just smart ; it ’ s essential . Take a look at page 8 to learn more .
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Libbie Hammond , Editor LH @ finelightmediagroup . com
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Our cover story visits Atmos Energy - a natural gas-only distributor , with more than 3.3 million customers . Mississippi Division President Mathew Davidson discusses its operations .
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