Energy, Oil & Gas Magazine Issue 224 Jan 2025 | Page 30

Atmos Energy Corporation ________________________________________________________________________________
held natural gas distribution company , changing its name to Atmos Energy in 1988 . The Mississippi Division , in fact , was previously known as Mississippi Valley Gas from 1951 until 2002 , when it was acquired by Atmos Energy . Today , Atmos Energy employs a total of approximately 5,200 people across the eight states it serves , with 340 of those employees in Mississippi .
Focus on safety
Natural gas is an affordable , reliable , and efficient fuel source that helps drive economic development and meet Mississippi ’ s growing demand for energy . Atmos Energy offers financial incentives that include infrastructure expansion allowances in addition to rebates for high-efficiency natural gas equipment and technology solutions .
Atmos Energy ’ s vision is to be the safest provider of natural gas services , so the
Over the past ten years , Atmos Energy has invested $ 1.1 billion throughout Mississippi , and $ 863.9 million was spent on enhancing the safety and reliability of our system
company is committed to the safety of its customers , employees and communities , as well as the safe and reliable operation of its natural gas system . “ Our employees live and work in the communities we serve ,” Mathew elaborates . “ We come to work every day focused on our vision to be the safest provider of natural gas services . The work we are doing throughout Mississippi enhances the safety and reliability of the system for our customers and communities .
“ Over the past ten years , Atmos Energy has invested $ 1.1 billion throughout Mississippi , and $ 863.9 million was spent on enhancing the safety and reliability of our system ,” Mathew adds . “ System modernization , safety , technology , and workforce costs will also continue to drive significant capital investments in Mississippi . Atmos Energy spent $ 202.3 million in fiscal year 2024 and plans to spend $ 220.9 million in fiscal year 2025 .”
Technology is advancing rapidly , and Mathew says it will be an integral part of Atmos Energy ’ s plan in Mississippi . “ Our team applies innovative and state-of-the-art technology ,