Energy, Oil & Gas Magazine Issue 224 Jan 2025 | Page 47

__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ EV
in the world as long as the customer has a web browser . Users can easily access their cased hole logs from any service provider and view production and integrity data alongside various other types of information , including reports , charts , and graphs . Additionally , AIVA™ users have the option to browse customized statistical charts and tables using the integrated Microsoft Power BI statistical presentation tool . As there are no user-specific licenses , clients have the freedom to assign data access to as many or as few customer users as required . Moreover , this multi-sourced data platform is not tied to viewing EV sourced data alone , but also accommodates and integrates the provisioned data from other field service suppliers .
Sector evolution
“ AIVA™ offers customer-centric visualization where users can select their particular well and access all the data available pertaining to that well , thus enabling them to compare data from different vendors or vintage . The platform operates on an Opex pay-as-youupload model , which is not as expensive as traditional Capex or license-based systems . Indeed , clients pay a small sum to upload a dataset without the burden of user licenses or additional fees . With AIVA™ , data is securely stored in the cloud and after three years , customers have the option to extend hot storage or transfer data to cold storage ,” Fraser informs .
For many years , EV has been very active in adding visualization to the evolving energy sector , an interest that has led to the development of EV ’ s unique quantified optical technology solutions . Fraser explains how EV ’ s advanced solutions are facilitating the current energy transition . “ Each year , we perform hundreds of operations in applications linked to the energy evolution , such as gas storage , CO 2 sequestration ,
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