Energy Oil & Gas Magazine EOG 214 | Page 10

▶ Craig Golinowski , President & Managing Partner , Carbon Infrastructure Partners
To contribute to mitigating this , as energy professionals , we look to CCUS and carbon management , whether that ’ s sequestrating emissions into the Earth ’ s surface or maybe changing processes or systems to be far less emission intensive in general .
“ We don ’ t have enough oil and gas produced by democracies . For example , let ’ s look at the situation in Pakistan , which had a plan to switch its electricity system to be run on LNG . However , with an LNG shortage and civil unrest , if Pakistan then reverts those plans and requires greater dependency on coal , then all the behavior in the Western world is negated by one country acting to have prosperity and development for its people . That problem occurs in other countries too . If you care about emissions , it ’ s a global problem and you have to look at it in terms of what is going to happen if we don ’ t have enough oil and gas , globally .”
Sensible solutions
Craig reinforces that , as an organization , Carbon Infrastructure Partners is trying to communicate a message on energy , emissions , and security that reconciles these three competing forces , and articulates it in a way that is consistent with thermodynamics , physics , and with reality . He goes on : “ As I ’ ve worked through this trilemma , I am increasingly convinced that much of the green movement is special-interest driven , particularly in terms of people benefitting from subsidies that peddle government ’ s preferred solutions . I don ’ t think the binary attitude of ‘ oil and gas bad , renewables good ,’ is the appropriate approach . I don ’ t really know how we change that conversation , other than to talk about it .
“ From a day-to-day perspective , we run funds that are active in oil and gas , and particularly so , in Western Canada , and we