Energy Oil & Gas Magazine EOG 214 | Page 11

Main interview have a team in the US working on CCUS and carbon management . While this sector is policy-driven in many
... the first step to tackling this issue is telling the truth
respects and much slower than we would like , we have been trying to build up that emerging business line .
“ I see CCUS as one in a portfolio of solutions . To me , it would make sense to consider solutions from a regional or local perspective . What makes sense from an energy optimal mix in the California Bay area is not what makes sense in Ohio , for example . These locations have different climates , and different subsurface resources ,” explains Craig .
It would seem then that a blanket solution may not be the answer . Craig continues : “ West Texas boasts a vast wind energy industry alongside being the biggest oil and gas producer in the US . It ’ s because of the natural conditions in that area that this specific mix makes sense . Conversely , in Ohio , it would probably make sense to utilize nuclear power . Ohio experiences cloud cover most of the time . The area doesn ’ t have much wind and doesn ’ t really have any oil resources . It has some gas towards the Marcellus Basin , so nuclear and gas would probably be the optimum mix in that part of the Mid West . energy-oil-gas . com 11