Energy Oil & Gas Magazine EOG 214 | Page 24

Limitations of 100 percent renewable energy
Renewable energy from solar and wind is inescapably intermittent and would need tremendous battery storage to maintain demand on overcast and still days or weeks . With battery technology some distance from meeting the scale needed , for now , the UK can ’ t sustain itself on 100 percent renewable sources . However , a low-carbon gas network , for example , hydrogen or biogas , could provide supportive energy services , such as seasonal storage , domestic heating or high-temperature heat for industry .
Factoring in the current constraints of renewable energy , it ’ s unwise to say with certainty that a single fuel could provide a net zero system that ensures energy security , guarantees affordability and meets consumer demand by 2050 . Instead , the UK ’ s energy transition will likely need to include a blend of technologies and fuel sources .
Hydrogen as a source of lowcarbon , on-demand energy
Hydrogen represents a promising solution for decarbonizing gas . The existing gas network could be adapted to facilitate the production and transportation of cost-effective , on-demand hydrogen using existing infrastructure .
Hydrogen poses a potential solution to work alongside electrification to bridge the gap for hard-to-abate sectors such as glass , steel & ceramics manufacture , ensuring these sectors ’ viability in the global market . The Climate Change Committee ( CCC ) predicts low-carbon blue hydrogen , produced from natural gas with carbon capture usage and storage ( CCUS ), will play a key role in meeting energy demands until infrastructure , supply chains and energy codes can fully support renewable sources to produce green hydrogen .
With the opportunity to invest and utilize CCUS , the gas industry could support the government ’ s targets to scale blue and green hydrogen production , as set out in the British Energy Security Strategy , published in April 2022 .
Given the timescales to build renewable infrastructure and implement energy efficiency improvements , using an existing gas network in the short term could provide fast results for emissions reductions .
Gas networks are already exploring hydrogen as an alternative energy source . The Hydeploy trials have proved that hydrogen blends of up to 20 percent can be safely deployed into the existing gas network , without the need to replace pipes or appliances . Hydrogen for heat is a contentious issue with many arguments for and against .
Xoserve is proud to support the Hydrogen for Heating trials , with the first domestic heating trial at H100 Fife in 2024 and then the planned Hydrogen Village in 2025 . The information gathered will provide essential data and evidence to support the Government ’ s decision on whether hydrogen could support domestic heating ( expected to be made in 2026 ).
Backing up hydrogen sustainability claims
If decarbonization is the primary reason for developing hydrogen , it ’ s going to be vital that the gas market can disclose the emissions of each product , depending on how the hydrogen is produced .
One way to achieve this is through a Hydrogen Guarantees of Origin ( GoO ) scheme , similar to the renewable guarantees of origin schemes available in the electricity market . This could verify the emission in the production of hydrogen , enabling businesses to claim their low or zero carbon gas credentials .
The future of gas in a lowcarbon energy market
Should hydrogen form part of the energy transition , then developing a new hydrogen market will be crucial to the