Energy Oil & Gas Magazine EOG 214 | Page 25

Hydrogen energy transition - the question is , what would that model look like ? Perhaps most importantly , how can the risk of volatility be reduced to minimize the threat of reliving another energy crisis ?
Urgent direction from the government is needed to secure the UK ’ s energy economy , as global competition for low-carbon energy is showing no signs of slowing down . If the UK were to develop hydrogen as an energy source , investors need to believe they won ’ t gain higher returns elsewhere .
Although the end destination - a lowcarbon energy system - is undoubted , the timeframe and route are still unknown . In the short term , it ’ s not about gas versus electrification , but a combined discussion on the best way to blend numerous technologies to suit all energy consumption .
Whatever that path might look like , it ’ s almost certain there won ’ t be an exclusive fuel source . Policymakers and the energy industry as a whole need to work together to develop a variety of solutions . For this to happen , natural gas , in some form , has to play a role in the energy transition . ■
For a list of the sources used in this article , please contact the editor .
Victoria Mustard www . xoserve . com
Victoria Mustard is Decarbonisation Strategy Lead at Xoserve . Xoserve is the Central Data Services Provider ( CDSP ) for the gas industry , administering the UK Link system , which holds the details of over 24 million gas meter points in Britain . Xoserve is a non-profit organization funded , governed and owned by the gas industry to provide vital services for suppliers , shippers and transporters to ensure that Britain ’ s retail gas market runs efficiently and reliably .
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