Energy Oil & Gas Magazine EOG 214 | Page 84

As a crucial , long-term player in the global green energy transition , BWSC is now focusing on emerging markets within the renewables sector . “ In 2021 , we established a team dedicated to identifying new opportunities within green energy solutions and it seemed like a natural step to explore carbon capture and Power-to-X projects ,” Carl explains .
The company then confirmed its focus on Power-to-Hydrogen projects in 2022 , partnering with Green Hydrogen Systems on a prototype project shortly after . “ We handle general project management , as well as a balance of plant engineering , installation works , and utilities connections of their new X-Series prototype currently being installed and tested at GreenLab Skive Circular Industrial Park in Denmark ,” Carl elaborates .
These plants are important steps towards our strategic goal of providing the next generation with sustainable energy solutions
“ In the second half of 2022 , we also partnered with Andel Energi ( Andel ) on their Glansanger Biogas facility near Sønderborg , Denmark ,” he adds . “ This project is also a green hydrogen plant , where hydrogen will be utilized to upgrade biogas from the existing plant , which is owned by Nature Energy .” The plant will be supplied by Andel , with BWSC acting as a sub-supplier of Mechanical Balance-of- Plant ( MBoP ) equipment and installation .
Carl further explains the technicality of the process : “ Biogas typically contains around 40 percent carbon dioxide , which is usually extracted from the biogas and vented to the atmosphere . However , carbon dioxide can be converted to natural gas by adding hydrogen , thereby dramatically increasing biogas plants ’ yield .”