Energy Oil & Gas Magazine EOG 214 | Page 85

____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ BWSC
Due to its wide range of applications , green hydrogen plays a key role in the global shift to renewable energy , so it is unsurprising that BWSC is seeing a dramatic increase in the demand for green hydrogen . “ The demand for such plants is surging , meaning we now require a significant scale-up of electrolysis capacity ,” Carl expands . “ These plants are important steps towards our strategic goal of providing the next generation with sustainable energy solutions .”
With this forward-thinking approach in mind , he states : “ We are committed to serving our customers in the best possible ways . We constantly seek to better understand their needs and adapt our offerings in line with their
demands , so that we can continue to be a leading service provider and trusted partner in the future .
“ Further afield , we will deliver efficient and reliable energy solutions to facilitate the global transition to sustainable energy by increasing our output and expanding further within the green energy sector , especially in powerto-hydrogen projects ,” Carl details .
“ Finally , a continuous aim of ours ,” he concludes , “ is to expand our service footprint and engineering competencies to support our customers in enhancing performance through digitalization , plant upgrades , and technical services .” ■
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