Energy, Oil & Gas Magazine Issue 221 July 2024 | Page 11

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Interview by fuel and emit significant amounts of methane into the atmosphere through seals . Upwing ’ s downhole compressor is electrically driven and is a completely closed system , thus eliminating the escape of methane from the compressor . The SCS also drastically decreases the need to drill and frack new unconventional wells by ensuring existing natural gas resources can continue to produce at high levels . This not only saves capital for gas producers but decreases emissions of over 8000 tons of CO₂e per new well . Upwing offers a method to more responsibly produce this essential energy source . There are also significant improvements being made to detect and address leaks in the mid and downstream . Together we are improving the availability of more sustainable alternatives to traditional technologies .
6 . Your recent partnership with Chile ’ s ENAP is a significant milestone . Can you share more about this collaboration and any upcoming partnerships that highlight the global interest in SCS technology ? As our first commercial deployment in South America , our recently announced partnership with ENAP marks a significant milestone in international expansion . Upwing has worked closely with ENAP to gather data and analyze gas assets , identifying opportunities for additional production and application of the SCS . Upwing will maintain and manage the SCS under its End2End solution model , encompassing analysis and predictions , planning and completions , deployment and startup , and operations and monitoring . Outside of that , we have started to qualify the SCS for offshore deployments in collaboration with Equinor . The qualifications will be conducted at Equinor ’ s Kårstø test facility and will involve comprehensive testing , including endurance testing , performance testing , and functional testing , to validate its capabilities under representative conditions .
7 . How is Upwing preparing to scale its operations and meet the growing demand for subsurface compression systems ? Upwing is already rapidly growing its US team with professionals who are excited about bringing our technology to the wells of new clients . As we continue to expand and demand grows globally , we plan to establish international satellite offices . These offices will allow our field operations team to be close to deployment sites when providing on-site support .
8 . In 2022 , Upwing raised $ 25 million in Series C funding . How do you plan to utilize this investment to further advance your technology and expand your market presence ? This investment is dedicated to enhancing our testing facilities and expanding our operations . This funding has already allowed Upwing to establish a new office in Houston , the world ’ s energy capital . The facility provides a substantial base for our field operations personnel and technical inventory closer to the natural gas wells Upwing is servicing . As we continue to expand internationally , we will utilize this funding to open additional facilities . We have also utilized this funding to upgrade the test facilities at Upwing ’ s headquarters in Cerritos , CA . These upgraded test stands collectively enable more all-condition testing of the SCS and each unit ’ s components and subsystems , supporting our goal of continuous improvement .
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