Energy, Oil & Gas Magazine Issue 221 July 2024 | Page 10

3 . Your subsurface compression system ( SCS ) is a pioneering technology in the natural gas industry . What were the key challenges and breakthroughs during the nine years that led to its development ? The early stages focused on understanding the application in a general sense . Many of our initial years were dedicated to researching the industry and understanding the intricacies of natural gas wells . The behavior of each well varies significantly so we had to establish test cells with the capability to simulate real world operating conditions . These testing facilities enabled Upwing to verify and validate SCS performance given unique conditions .
This brought us to a stage where we had the ability to pilot the system . With infield deployments came many learnings . Through each deployment , we gained valuable insights that led to the ongoing development and optimization of our Enhanced Production Simulator which now not only evaluates production enhancement but accurately predicts multiphase behavior and optimizes the effects of phase change , liquid drop out , placement of the SCS and wellbore geometry .
Another of the earlier challenges we faced was sourcing materials that can withstand the harsh downhole environment , as being deployed two miles downhole and interacting with gas and liquids presents significant potential for corrosion . With extensive trial and error , we were able to determine the material that would work best for the application .
More recently , our focus has been on refining our deployment processes to ensure seamless installations .
4 . How do you see SCS transforming the natural gas industry , particularly in terms of production efficiency and emissions reduction ? There are significant resources that remain untapped because traditional extraction methods were not able to efficiently produce all the existing gas reserves . A study we conducted concluded that in the United States alone there is enough natural gas that can be feasibly extracted with the SCS to power the country for over four years . The situation is the same globally – wells are abandoned with significant gas remaining underground because until today there has been no efficient way to produce more from them . Upwing ’ s technology has the potential to revitalize these wells and produce natural gas from an unexpected source . This results in a positive environmental impact by reducing the need to explore new wells and eliminating the use of emission-heavy surface compressors . Our hope is that the industry will recognize the advancement we have brought to the market and look for additional areas where improvements can be made so that the industry becomes cleaner and more efficient .
5 . Sustainability is a major concern in energy production . Can you discuss how the SCS technology contributes to lowering emissions intensity and what this means for the industry ’ s environmental footprint ? From its founding , Upwing has prioritized sustainability in its technology and company practices . There are two main ways the SCS technology aids in lowering emissions intensity in the natural gas industry . The system replaces traditional surface compressors , which are commonly powered