Energy, Oil & Gas Magazine Issue 221 July 2024 | Page 8


Economy environm

Herman Artinian , President & CEO , Upwing Energy , discusses the company ’ s responsibly sourced natural gas service enabled by subsurface compression
1 . Can you provide a brief overview of Upwing Energy and how you came to be in your current role in the organization ? Upwing Energy is a gas tech innovator and service company offering a profitable and sustainable solution for operators to maximize natural gas production and recoverability from existing wells . We have developed the firstof-its-kind subsurface compressor system ( SCS ), which we offer through our End2End service . The subsurface compressor improves well performance by decreasing bottomhole flowing pressure and causing higher reservoir drawdown . The company ’ s End2End business model provides hassle-free management of production equipment , operations and data , with no capital or human resources required from well operators .
I joined a high-speed motor technology company called Calnetix Technologies soon after it was founded . Its sole focus was on changing how we harvest and use energy , which it initially accomplished by providing energy efficient systems and subsystems to OEMs . Along that path , we decided to transition to creating spin-off companies that integrated our disruptive technologies into our own systems . The team rolled out multiple companies , some of which I led , all focused on enabling applications that were not being addressed in the energy space . These companies included applications , such as energy storage , subsea pumps and ORC systems for waste heat to electricity conversion . For one of our ORC installations , we went to Louisiana where I was introduced to engine-driven compressors at well sites . In this case , they were used downstream , but this led to the realization that there is significant potential for a downhole compressor . After a year of conducting feasibility studies , Upwing Energy was started with the support of Calnetix , which is how I came to be in my current role in the organization .